Local data and information associated with the coronavirus pandemic
This site was derived from an existing open source project
by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government with Code For Japan in order to
provide the latest information on COVID-19.
The goal is to provide easy to understand, publicly available, and
unbiased information on the spread of infection in the Bay Area. This
allows the residents, companies, as well as visitors to the Bay Area to
understand the current situation while having the right information about
the necessary precautions and measures.
The BAPD Open Database gives researchers and other interested members of
the public direct access to the data that Code for San Francisco has
collected from local government web sites throughout the pandemic to build
this dashboard. You can explore the data right in your web browser, write
analytical queries in SQL, or download the data in a tidy,
spreadsheet-friendly format.
As an open source project, we want help! Learn how you can help out by
clicking on one of the following links:
Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the
information posted on this site, the team Code4SF is not responsible for
any actions taken by users using the information on this site.
Website will not be responsible in case any user uses the website data in
a way that causes, or is likely to cause any damage.
Any information on this site may be changed or deleted without prior
On this site we are working on a public website to aggregate COVID-19 data
for the Bay Area counties.
We were heartened to see that CDPH has made case data available by county.
We have two additional data requests that would help our communities. We
appreciate if you could make the following publicly accessible by API: 1),
testing data over time by county, 2) demographic data by county, and 3)
the county data table on
this page
In the Bay Area, many people live their daily lives across county lines.
Our communities have a strong regional identity, and it is important that
we can track the pandemic at a regional level.
Thank you for helping us in this mission!